Better outbound starts with better books

Say hello to dynamic books

A better approach to sales territories and account selection, built on best practices from top B2B sales teams


The sales team of the future is smaller, account based, and agile. They use dynamic books - a modern way of assigning accounts to sales reps, continually matching the best available accounts with rep capacity.

Dynamic books ensure that all of your highest potential accounts are always being worked, and that every rep has a book of the best possible account to work.

No more missed opportunities. No more imbalanced territories. No more account hoarding. With dynamic books, teams increase rep productivity and pipeline creation

Learn how Omnipresent transformed their outbound sales processes with dynamic book management

Omnipresent increased opportunity creation by 16% in just a month with a dynamic books approach to territory design. Powered by Gradient Works Bookbuilder.

omnipresent logo


Why dynamic books?

Dynamic books is a modern sales territory design that continually assigns the highest-potential accounts to reps with available capacity. 

Traditional territory design is inefficient and unfair (read about the trouble with territories). Built on best practices from high performing B2B inside sales teams, dynamic books is a alternative way of equitably allocating accounts to increase rep productivity.

A dynamic books approach relies on books instead of territories. Every rep is assigned a book of accounts, based on account fit and in-market timing, as well as the rep’s available capacity. When an account is converted or disqualified, it moves out of the rep’s book and a fresh new account moves in. 

Dynamic books allows sales teams to continuously manage account supply and demand. Best of all, dynamic books eliminates the need for annual territory planning and complicated territory spreadsheets.  

"When sales territories are out of balance, organizations spend too much money and time on low-potential customers, while spending too little on high-potential customers. As a result, sales organizations can leave millions of dollars in lost productivity unrealized."

The world's first dynamic books software

Meet Gradient Works, the world’s first dynamic books software. Gradient Works automates the full dynamic books process, ensuring reps always have balanced books with the highest-potential accounts.

Gradient Works customers have seen incredible results, transforming their sales productivity by:

  • Creating more pipeline
  • Getting more reps on target
  • Ramping reps faster
  • Working more high-potential accounts
  • Saving hours of manual effort

The trouble with territories

Only 53% of sales reps regularly hit quota. 76% of companies use geographic territories. These things are related.

Despite all your investments in coaching, training and tools, attainment still suffers. 

You’re missing out on revenue because you’re not deploying your reps effectively. 

It’s not your fault. It’s because your territory design still relies on methods developed over 100 years ago. And 83% of companies still design their territories with spreadsheets.

But opportunity is not distributed geographically.

With a traditional territory model, some reps get territories with so many high-potential accounts they can’t talk to them all, while other reps starve in territories with low potential. The result? Uneven attainment, unhappy reps, unrealized revenue.

100 years ago, this was the best sales teams could do. But we can do better now. That’s where dynamic books comes in.

Traditional territory model - Edited


Everything you ever wanted to know about dynamic book management

Ready to move to dynamic books? 

Or just want to learn more? Let's have a quick conversation. Talk to our team about how dynamic book management software from Gradient Works can help increase attainment and keep your reps' books balanced.