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The only AI glossary sales will ever need

Let’s cut through the noise for a second. AI this, AI that—you’ve heard it all, right? But what does all this fancy tech actually mean for those of us in the sales game? I’m talking algorithms, tokens, agents, and a bunch of other jargon that gets thrown around like it’s common knowledge. But here’s the deal: understanding these terms isn’t just for the tech geeks; it’s crucial if you want to stay ahead of the curve and crush your sales goals.

Let’s break it down and see how all this AI stuff can turn you into a sales beast.


Artificial intelligence

  • What you need to know: AI refers to computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence. These tasks might include decision-making, problem-solving, understanding natural language, and recognizing patterns.

  • Terminology explained for sales: AI can help in automating repetitive tasks like data entry, lead scoring, and even customer interactions through chatbots, freeing up sales teams to focus on more strategic activities

Machine learning

  • What you need to know: A subset of AI, ML involves training algorithms on large datasets so that they can learn from data, identify patterns, and make decisions with minimal human intervention.

  • Terminology explained for sales: ML can be used to predict customer behavior, personalize outreach, and optimize pricing strategies based on historical data

Artificial general learning

  • What you need to know: AGI refers to a type of AI that can perform any intellectual task that a human can do. It’s still a theoretical concept and represents a much more advanced form of AI than what we currently have.

  • Terminology explained for sales: While not available today, AGI could one day revolutionize how sales are done by understanding and acting on complex customer needs autonomously

Generative AI

  • What you need to know: Generative AI refers to AI systems that can create new content, such as text, images, or even music, based on the data they’ve been trained on.

  • Terminology explained for sales: Generative AI can be used to automatically generate personalized email content, create engaging marketing materials, or even simulate sales conversations.


  • What you need to know: In AI, hallucinations refer to instances where the AI generates information or content that is inaccurate or completely made up. This is especially common in large language models (LLMs).

  • Terminology explained for sales: Be cautious when using AI-generated content in customer communications. Always verify critical information to avoid sharing incorrect or misleading details.


  • What you need to know: Bias in AI occurs when the model’s predictions or outputs are systematically skewed due to the data it was trained on. This can lead to unfair or inaccurate outcomes.

  • Terminology explained for sales: Understanding bias is important to ensure that AI-driven decisions don’t unfairly disadvantage certain customer groups or lead to inaccurate lead scoring

AI Models

  • What you need to know: AI models are the algorithms and statistical models that drive AI systems. They learn from data and are used to make predictions or decisions.

  • Terminology explained for sales: Different AI models can be tailored for various tasks, such as predicting customer churn, recommending products, or segmenting customers for targeted marketing.

Large language models (LLM)

  • What you need to know: LLMs are a type of AI model specifically trained to understand and generate human-like text. They are built on vast amounts of text data and can perform tasks like summarization, translation, and question-answering.

  • Terminology explained for sales: LLMs can help in drafting sales emails, generating reports, or even automating customer support interactions

Diffusion models

  • What you need to know: Diffusion models are a type of generative AI that generate data by gradually refining a noisy version of an input until it closely resembles the target data (e.g., generating realistic images from random noise).

  • Terminology explained for sales: While more technical, understanding diffusion models can be useful if your product involves advanced AI capabilities, helping you explain the tech to potential customers.

Foundation models

  • What you need to know: Foundation models are large-scale AI models trained on massive datasets that can be fine-tuned for specific tasks. They serve as the base for various applications, from language understanding to image recognition.

  • Terminology explained for sales: These models can be customized to fit your industry’s specific needs, making them versatile tools in building AI-driven sales and marketing solutions.

Frontier models

  • What you need to know: Frontier models are cutting-edge AI models that push the boundaries of what AI can do, often involving the latest research and technology. They are at the forefront of AI advancements.

  • Terminology explained for sales: Being aware of frontier models can position you as a knowledgeable resource in conversations about the future of AI and its potential impact on your industry.


  • What you need to know: An algorithm is a set of rules or instructions given to a computer to help it perform a specific task. In AI, algorithms are used to process data and make decisions based on that data

  • Terminology explained for sales: Algorithms can be used to automate repetitive tasks, such as lead scoring, email sorting, or customer segmentation. They help sales teams prioritize leads, forecast sales, and even recommend the next best action to take with a prospect.


  • What you need to know: In the context of AI, a token is a piece of text, like a word or part of a word, that is processed by language models. These models break down text into tokens to better understand and generate human language.

  • Terminology explained for sales: Understanding tokens is essential when using AI-driven text generation tools (like ChatGPT). The way text is tokenized affects how well AI can generate or comprehend sales emails, product descriptions, or customer inquiries. Tokens also affect how much content can be processed or generated at once.


  • What you need to know: In AI, an agent is a software entity that acts autonomously to achieve specific goals. Agents can observe their environment, make decisions, and take actions based on those decisions.

  • Terminology explained for sales: AI agents can handle tasks such as scheduling meetings, answering common customer queries, or even guiding customers through a sales funnel on a website. This automation allows sales teams to focus on more complex, high-value interactions.

AI Products

  • What you need to know: AI products are applications or tools that leverage artificial intelligence to solve specific problems or enhance processes. These can range from chatbots and virtual assistants to advanced analytics tools.

  • Terminology explained for sales: AI products can be used to automate and optimize various aspects of the sales process, from lead generation to customer follow-up. For example, AI-driven CRMs can offer insights on customer behavior, recommend actions, and even automate repetitive tasks, helping sales teams work more efficiently.

ChatGPT and its versions

  • What you need to know: ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI that can understand and generate human-like text. Different versions of ChatGPT have been released, each improving on the last in terms of capabilities and understanding.

  • Terminology explained for sales: ChatGPT can assist in generating personalized emails, drafting proposals, or even simulating customer conversations for training purposes. It can also be used in chatbots to interact with customers on websites, answering questions or guiding them through the purchasing process.


  • What you need to know: Claude is an AI chatbot developed by Anthropic, similar to ChatGPT but with different underlying technology and design philosophies.

  • Terminology explained for sales: Claude can be used for customer interaction, content generation, and automation in the sales process. It might offer different features or strengths depending on the specific needs of your sales team, such as handling complex customer queries more effectively or providing better conversational insights.


  • What you need to know: Gemini is a suite of AI products developed by Google DeepMind. It includes models designed for various tasks, like language understanding and image recognition, and it is built on the latest advancements in AI technology.

  • Terminology explained for sales: Gemini could be used in sales for advanced data analysis, customer insights, and even real-time decision-making assistance during sales pitches. If integrated into sales tools, it could offer powerful predictive analytics, helping sales teams anticipate customer needs and tailor their approach accordingly.


  • What you need to know: In AI, perplexity is a measure of how well a language model predicts a sample. A lower perplexity indicates a better model. However, Perplexity is also the name of an AI-powered search engine designed to give more human-like, conversational answers.

  • Terminology explained for sales: Understanding perplexity helps in evaluating the effectiveness of AI models used in sales, such as those generating personalized content or predicting customer behavior. The Perplexity search engine, on the other hand, can be used by sales teams to quickly gather insights or research topics, offering more relevant and understandable information than traditional search engines.

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