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How Account Research improves CRM data hygiene

Your CRM data hygiene could be holding your entire operation back. I get it, “data hygiene” isn’t exactly the buzzword you want to hear when you’re in meetings talking about scaling, revenue targets, or how to optimize the team. But if you don’t keep your CRM clean and filled with accurate, actionable data, you’re throwing money away.

You know the deal. The minute you’re deep in a key account, ready to push that deal forward, you discover your CRM is missing key contacts, revenue info, or it’s got old data that’s completely out of sync with reality. That’s a major drag, and worse yet, it’s avoidable. Enter Account Research—the key to closing those gaps and keeping your CRM data sharp.

The real CRM problem: Guesswork leads to poor results

Here’s what nobody wants to admit: most CRM data is incomplete or outdated. Sure, you might have bulk data enrichment happening on the back end, but what are those attributes really doing for you? The data is there, but it’s disconnected from your strategic decisions around territory planning, account segmentation, and even quota setting. Rep-level prospecting tools help with outreach, but they can’t prioritize the right accounts systematically.

This is why so many teams hit a wall when it comes to segmentation and territory planning. There’s always this gap between what’s automated and what you’d get from a human doing deeper research. But hiring a team to manually enrich data? Expensive, time-consuming, and not scalable. That’s where Account Research comes in to bridge that gap.

Account Research: Solving data gaps at scale 

Let’s talk solutions. Account Research is designed to eliminate the account data gaps that make scaling difficult. By combining AI with our proven Market Map functionality, we fill in the blanks, so you’re working with reliable, up-to-date information.

Here’s how it works:

1. AI Researcher: The data you wish your CRM already had

You know those accounts that look great on paper but are missing critical data? AI Researcher is your answer. This tool uses AI to search and synthesize the exact data your CRM is lacking. Whether it’s tech stack information, updated firmographic data, or decision-maker insights, AI Researcher pulls it in so your teams aren’t flying blind. It’s scalable, fast, and precise—just what you need when making high-stakes strategic decisions.

2. Lookalikes: Turn your best accounts into winners 

You’ve already got a list of top-performing customers. What if you could find more just like them, but faster? That’s where Lookalikes steps up. It finds high-potential net-new accounts that resemble your best customers. It’s like supercharging your prospecting efforts and letting the AI handle the heavy lifting of finding the accounts most likely to close. Prioritization just got a lot easier.

3. Market Map: The strategic advantage for sales teams 

Finally, Market Map segments and scores accounts into micro-segments, making it easier for your teams to focus their efforts where it counts most. It’s about working smarter, not harder. No more broad strokes in territory planning. You’ll have precise, targeted account segments to guide your outbound plays, leading to higher conversion rates and faster deal cycles.

Why it matters for CRM data hygiene 

Let’s be real: clean CRM data isn’t just about keeping things tidy—it’s about giving your team a competitive edge. When your CRM is filled with complete, reliable, and actionable data, the entire operation runs smoother. No more wasting time chasing dead leads or reaching out to the wrong contacts. Instead, you’re focusing on prioritizing accounts that actually matter. That’s why it’s crucial for reps to enter the right information into your CRM—because if they don’t, your CRM becomes little more than a glorified address book.

Here’s what improved CRM hygiene means for your org:

  • More accurate ICP targeting
  • Better territory planning
  • Smarter quota allocation
  • Optimized outreach

Why outsourcing data research isn't the answer 

Some teams try to solve this by outsourcing data research. Sure, it works—kind of. But it’s expensive, slow, and let’s be honest, not exactly scalable. You don’t want to rely on external teams to do the heavy lifting every time your CRM needs an update.

That’s why AI Account Research is a game-changer. It automates the kind of account research you’d typically outsource, but at a fraction of the cost and a much larger scale. Whether it’s tailoring industry data to fit your Total Addressable Market (TAM) or grouping prospects by specific use cases, Account Research handles the work that would take a human team days to accomplish—in a fraction of the time.

Bottom line: Don't let data gaps hold you back 

Here’s the deal—when CRM data gaps go unchecked, they slowly chip away at your team’s ability to execute effectively. You might not feel the pain right away, but eventually, those cracks turn into huge inefficiencies. That’s where deals slip, pipelines dry up, and targets get missed.

With Account Research, those gaps disappear. Your CRM becomes a high-functioning tool for strategic decisions, not just a glorified database. That’s how you stay ahead in the game. By filling in the data gaps and keeping your CRM clean, you give your teams the best chance at success.

In a world where accurate data drives the best outcomes, Account Research is the upgrade your CRM needs to perform at its best.

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