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Rev up your H2 with the ultimate summer RevOps toolkit

Hey, RevOps leaders! It’s halftime, and if your H1 was a bit of a slog, don’t sweat it. We’ve got the ultimate RevOps toolkit to help you crush H2 and finish the year strong. Let’s dive into how you can leverage these resources to boost your Q3 and Q4 outcomes.

Resource 1: The blog to turn around your H2

First off, let’s talk about our killer blog post. It’s packed with strategies to diagnose what’s slowing you down and pivot effectively. Here’s how you can use it to your advantage:

Diagnose the drag

The blog breaks down the need to dig deep into your analytics. Whether your sales team is struggling to close deals or your MQL to SQL conversion rates are tanking, you’ve got to pinpoint the bottlenecks. Use tools like the free pipeline coverage calculator to get a handle on where you need to focus. This calculator helps you visualize the coverage you need to hit your targets for the rest of the year.

Market Map 3.0 magic

Market Map 3.0 is your new best friend. This tool uses AI to refine industry classifications and identify customer lookalikes within your CRM. It’s like having a crystal ball for high-potential prospects who aren’t yet showing intent but could be your next big customers. Incorporate these insights into your strategy to find untapped potential and allocate your resources more effectively.

Rally, reassess and realign 

Communication is key. Host a town hall meeting to lay out the situation honestly, then switch to motivational mode. Show your team the capabilities of Market Map 3.0 to inspire innovative strategies. When everyone’s on the same page and motivated, magic happens.

Take the fresh insights from your team and reshape your strategy. Maybe your sales tactics need a revamp, or your marketing campaigns need more flair. Consider moving to a dynamic territory management approach using data and automation to optimize account assignments. Our blog offers a quick read on sales territory realignment that could be just what you need.

Execute and double down on data

Implement your new strategies with precision and flexibility. Set clear, immediate goals for quick wins and adjust as needed based on real-time feedback. Rapid experimentation is the name of the game here.

In today’s world, data is king. Use Market Map 3.0 to enrich your strategy with precise data on potential prospects. This tool helps you anticipate market movements and consumer behaviors, positioning you to capitalize on opportunities.

Resource 2: Territory Shrinkage Calculator 

Next up, we’ve got our territory shrinkage calculator. This spreadsheet is designed to model territory shrinkage based on various criteria like initial territory size, accounts worked, quota, disqualification rate, and account rest period. Here’s how it brings value:

Visualize territory dynamics 

Understanding how your territories are shrinking or growing is crucial for effective resource allocation. The calculator allows you to input different variables and see how they impact your territories. This helps you make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts.

Optimize account assignments 

By visualizing territory shrinkage, you can identify which reps are overburdened and which ones have capacity. This ensures that high-potential accounts are assigned to reps who can give them the attention they deserve.

Resource 3: Pipeline Coverage Calculator 

Finally, let’s talk about our pipeline coverage calculator. This tool helps you uncover untapped potential in your market and optimize your sales efforts. Here’s how to use it:

Discover high-potential accounts 

The calculator helps you find high-potential accounts that aren’t currently being worked on. By identifying these hidden gems, you can assign them to reps with available capacity, ensuring no opportunity is left on the table.

Balance workloads

Use the insights from the calculator to balance workloads across your team. This not only improves efficiency but also boosts morale by ensuring everyone has a manageable workload.

Keep the momentum going 

With these resources at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to turn around your H2. Remember, it’s all about leveraging data, optimizing your strategy, and keeping your team motivated. Use the insights from our blog, territory shrinkage calculator, and pipeline coverage calculator to make informed decisions and execute with agility.

So, buckle up and get ready to crush Q3 and Q4. With the right tools and a motivated team, you’ve got everything you need to make H2 a success. If you want to learn more about Market Map 3.0 or how to incorporate these tools into your strategy, drop us a line or read more about it here.

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