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Signs it’s time to realign your sales territories

Alright, listen up, sales leaders. If you’re cruising through the sales game, there’s a solid chance you’ve hit a few bumps on the revenue road. Maybe it feels like your team’s grinding gears more than racking up wins. What’s the deal? It might be time to realign those sales territories.

Here’s the tea: territories are like the battlefields for your sales team. When the lines are drawn right, you’ve got a well-oiled machine. When they’re not, it’s chaos. So, how do you know it’s time to shake things up? Let’s dive in.

1. Uneven revenue distribution 

Look at your leaderboard. If you’ve got one rep consistently living it up at President’s Club while others are struggling to make quota, you’ve got a problem. This isn’t necessarily about who’s got more hustle; it’s about opportunity. When one territory’s ripe with low-hanging fruit and another’s a barren wasteland, it’s time to realign.

2. Market changes

Markets shift fast. Maybe there’s been a demographic shift, a new competitor on the scene, or a change in industry regulations. If your territories were set up a year ago, they might already be outdated. Keep your ear to the ground, and if the landscape’s changed, your territories should too.

Here’s where Market Map can be a solution - using generative AI we’re doing all the research into the accounts in your CRM. By doing that we find accounts based on their similarity to your best customers or any ideal target accounts, identifying customer lookalike accounts that are your highest potential prospects and cluster them into trending microsegments. 

3. Overlapping efforts 

Nothing grinds a sales manager’s gears more than reps stepping on each other’s toes. If you’ve got two reps chasing the same lead, you’re wasting resources and probably confusing potential clients. Clear boundaries are crucial. If there’s a turf war brewing, it’s time to grab the map and redraw the lines.

4. Growth and expansion 

First off, congrats! If your company’s growing, that’s rad. But it also means your territories need to grow with you. Adding new reps? Expanding into new regions? Your old territories aren’t going to cut it. Realigning now can save a lot of headaches later.

5. Changes in product or service offering

Launched a new product? Pivoted your service model? Your territories should reflect that. Different products might resonate more in different regions. Align your territories with your product strategy to maximize your team’s potential.

6. Performance metrics are off 

Data doesn’t lie, folks. If you’re seeing a drop in win rates, an increase in sales cycle lengths, or lower customer satisfaction scores, something’s off. Dive into the data and see if your territories are the culprit. Misaligned territories can lead to inefficiencies and lost opportunities.

7. Reps are burning out 

If your reps are constantly stressed, working late nights, and missing targets, it might not be their fault. Overloaded territories can lead to burnout, high turnover, and low morale. Happy reps are productive reps, so ensure their territories are manageable and fair.

8. Feedback from the field 

Never underestimate the power of a good vent session. If your reps are consistently complaining about territory issues, listen up. They’re the boots on the ground, and they know where the pain points are. Use their feedback to make informed adjustments.

How to realign like a pro

Alright, so you’ve identified the signs. Now what? Here’s a quick playbook to get you started:

  1. Analyze your data: Look at historical performance, market potential, and customer data. Identify where the gaps and overlaps are.
  2. Engage your team: Involve your reps in the process. They’ve got insights you won’t find in the data.
  3. Define clear criteria: Set clear, objective criteria for your new territories. This should be based on where you win the most - let Market Map help find your next customer. 
  4. Communicate clearly: Change can be tough. Make sure you communicate the reasons behind the realignment and how it benefits the team.
  5. Monitor and adjust: Once you’ve realigned, keep a close eye on the impact. Be ready to make further adjustments if needed.

Final thoughts

Realigning territories isn’t just a box to check; it’s a strategic move to boost your team’s performance. Keep an eye out for the signs, stay agile, and don’t be afraid to make bold moves. Your sales squad deserves the best shot at crushing their quotas, and realignment might be the game-changer you’ve been looking for. Now, go out there and dominate your market using Market Map. You’ve got this!

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